Around the Block is a 2013 Australian drama film directed and written by Sarah Spillane. The films stars Christina Ricci, Hunter Page-Lochard, Jack Thompson and Damian Walshe-Howling. The films revolves around an American drama teacher (Ricci) who develops a friendship with a sixteen-year-old Aboriginal Australian boy (Page-Lochard) during the 2004 Redfern riots.
Video Around the Block (film)
Plot synopsis
An American drama teacher named Dino Chalmers (Christina Ricci), who has a passion for Shakespeare, gets the opportunity to work at a school in Sydney, Australia, where she attempts to introduce theatre as an alternative to life on the tough streets of Redfern in Sydney. She meets a 16 year old Aboriginal student named Liam (Hunter Page-Lochard), who lives around the block in Redfern and lives a life of drugs and violence. Chalmers presents Liam with a possibility of a life without drugs and violence by giving him the lead in the production of Hamlet, and so he must choose between pursuing his newfound dream of acting or following his family into a cycle of crime.
Maps Around the Block (film)
- Christina Ricci as Dino Chalmers
- Hunter Page-Lochard as Liam
- Jack Thompson as Mr O'Donnell
- Damian Walshe-Howling as Mr Graham
- Matt Nable as Jack Wood
- Andrea Demetriades as Kate
- Josh Quong Tart as Barry Griffen
- Daniel Henshall as Simon
- Ruby Rose as Hannah
- Madeleine Madden as Williemai
- Mark Coles Smith as Steve
Filming began in June 2012 in Sydney and Redfern, New South Wales. Christina Ricci was in Australia for the four-week shoot.
The film received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, earning a Rotten Tomatoes approval rating of 63%.
External links
- Around the Block on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia